Rabu, 24 April 2013

Oleh Oleh Dari Mother and Sister in law ~

Hari ini aku mau upload oleh oleh dari mom in law and sis in law. 
Bulan lalu mama mertua baru balik dari melbourne
 buat jenguk Ci Nelly (Sisinlaw) and Christabelle (cucu satu lagi ^^)
Tiap tahun pasti Mama mertua ke Melb sih~~ and slalu bawa oleh2 hehe

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Papaw ointment bagus banget untuk kulit kering.. nanti pasti aku review :D

Review The Balm Mary Lou Manizer - Highlighter

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Selasa, 26 Maret 2013


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Review Urban Decay Naked Pallete

Hii Everyone, today im going to review about Urban Decay Naked Pallete, 
Who doesnt know this pallete?
Who doesnt like this pallete? 
Who doesnt love this pallete?
Actually i already review about Urban Decay Naked 2
you can click it if you want to comparing with this original naked pallete.
Okeyy Lets Start :D

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Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Review MAC VivaGlam Nicki Minaj

Mac Viva Glam Nicki Minaj is a limited collection from Mac, This colour describe as pink-yellow with matte finish.
 The other description for this colour is pink-watermelon (not too bright on lips).
The Texture bit make lips dry, so you shoud wear lipbalm before apply this lipstick.

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Review Mini Opi Skyfall 007

Now im going to review O.P.I Skyfall Collection :D I actually only loves the Golden Eye (Gold Glitter) but i buy this mini collection because i can get more nail colours and i also collect the other O.P.I mini collection, it looks good when you put it at dressing table. They are perfect, i love these polishes but some people dont like shimmery nail polish. 
But this collection is a great representation of Bond Girl style :D
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each of em only 1,75ml 

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Review Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Rose

Hallo ^^ uda lama ga update blog nich lol. hari ini aku mau review produk dari bobbi brown yaitu shimmer brick, sebelumnya aku uda pernah review Shimmer Brick in Bronze ,aku beli lagi yang rose soalnya liat review katanya bagus beberapa temen juga pada pake hihih dan semuanya ga ada yang kecewa, ada yang saranin untuk beli yang nectar katanya lebih cocok untuk kulit agak kuning , actually kulit ku kuning sih NC25 ga terlalu putih, ga suka pake yang sesuatu bikin muka putih.. well oke ini beberapa fotonya.. maklum yg swatch di muka foto pake bb.. males pergi bawa slr berat -__- belom lagi harus gendong kaylo.. dia ga mo duduk di carseat T_T