Mac Viva Glam Nicki Minaj is a limited collection from Mac, This colour describe as pink-yellow with matte finish.
The other description for this colour is pink-watermelon (not too bright on lips).
♥ Long-lasting up 4-5hours
♥ Love the colours watermelon pink
♥ Make my lips dry
Price :
♥ around 210.000
Rate :
♥♥♥♥ 4/5
11 komentar:
bibir cc tipis yaaa ,pengen punya bibir tipis kaya cc gituu . tapi mana mungkin lol
loh , cc udah punya anak ? aku kira belom , mukanya masih muda banget kaya anak kuliahan gitu . udah malah nama anaknya keren banget lagi . namanya bagus <3
btw , follow back blogku ya .
thankyou sweety <3
makasiy Catherine.. hehe cc ud folback blog km ya.. makasih ud follow:)
aku juga mau viva glam nickiii XD tapi takut warnanya aneh gitu di aku .__.
warnanya bagus sih di bibir cc :D
@alexandra hehe pake yg viva glam lady gaga aja dear ;D cc jg suka bgs yg lady gaga nt de d review hehe.. makasiy ya ud mampir :))
cocok banget ya warnanya di bibir kamuuu.. pengen punya tapi kulitku yellow undertone kuat. Jadi suka ngeri duluan kalo liat warna hotpink.
the mad sister : hehe ngaaa koo. ada yg undertone pake pink ky nicki minaj malah looks sexy ;)
Hi thank you for folllowing my blog yahh ^^ I'm following your too <3
Mbengmellow : ur welcome dear :D
This colour looks really great on you! Aku juga suka bgt pinkk nya cantikk & pop skalii <3
uwaaa mac nyaa cetaar bangeeett!! aq mw yg ruby woo, syg bgt di bali blm ada uhuk uhuk TT__TT
Joveeta : thank you xD
Hatta Shani : iya rubywoo keren ya xD ak ga cocok pake merah :( .. Km ikutan po aja d olsop say "̮ hehe
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